Greening of Tottori Sand Dunes

Jul 19, 2016 09:24
Do you know Tottori Prefecture, which has the smallest population in Japan?

The most popular sightseeing spot in Tottori Prefecture is "Tottori Sand Dunes."

Tottori Sand Dunes is a vast dunes area, which spreads to Japan coast, and you can enjoy sightseeing by a camel, a horse-drawn carriage, or foot.

However, I heard that recently Tottori Sand Dunes has become gradually grasslands.

Therefore, Tottori Prefecture has gotten rid of weeds on a large scale for saving the natural asset, Tottori Sand Dunes.

While many countries all over the world try to prevent desertification, only Tottori prefecture might try to prevent greening.






No. 1 UsagiPlus's correction
  • Do you know Tottori Prefecture, which has the smallest population in Japan?
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The most popular sightseeing spot in Tottori Prefecture is "Tottori Sand Dunes."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Tottori Sand Dunes is a vast dunes area, which spreads to Japan coast, and you can enjoy sightseeing by a camel, a horse-drawn carriage, or foot.
  • Tottori Sand Dunes is a vast dunes area, which spreads to the coast of the Sea of Japan, and you can enjoy sightseeing on camel, horse-drawn carriage, or foot.
  • However, I heard that recently Tottori Sand Dunes has become gradually grasslands.
  • However, I heard that recently Tottori Sand Dunes is becoming more of a grassland.
  • Therefore, Tottori Prefecture has gotten rid of weeds on a large scale for saving the natural asset, Tottori Sand Dunes.
  • Therefore, Tottori Prefecture has gotten rid of weeds on a large scale in order to save the natural asset, Tottori Sand Dunes.
  • While many countries all over the world try to prevent desertification, only Tottori prefecture might try to prevent greening.
  • While many countries all over the world try to prevent desertification, only Tottori prefecture is trying to prevent greening.
I remember seeing weeds starting to invade the dunes when I visited ten years ago, so that there was less pure sand than I had imagined. Otherwise, it's a beautiful spot!
Thank you very much for correcting my post!
Oh, sounds nice! Actually, although I wrote about Tottori Sand Dunes, I've never been to there. I'd like to visit someday :)
No. 2 Wei's correction
  • Do you know Tottori Prefecture, which has the smallest population in Japan?
  • The Tottori Prefecture has the smallest population in Japan.
     I often hear Japanese people use this sentence structure. It's better to simply explain instead of starting a sentence with "do you know?"
  • The most popular sightseeing spot in Tottori Prefecture is "Tottori Sand Dunes."
  • The most popular attraction in Tottori Prefecture is the Tottori Sand Dunes.
  • Tottori Sand Dunes is a vast dunes area, which spreads to Japan coast, and you can enjoy sightseeing by a camel, a horse-drawn carriage, or foot.
  • The Tottori Sand Dunes is a vast dunes area consisting entirely of sand dunes, which spreads to the northern coast of Japan. Tourists can enjoy sightseeing by a camel, a horse-drawn carriage, or on foot.
  • However, I heard that recently Tottori Sand Dunes has become gradually grasslands.
  • However, I heard that recently vegetation has started to grow over the sand dunes.
  • Therefore, Tottori Prefecture has gotten rid of weeds on a large scale for saving the natural asset, Tottori Sand Dunes.
  • Therefore, Tottori Prefecture has gotten rid of weeds on a large scale in order to save heritage site.
  • While many countries all over the world try to prevent desertification, only Tottori prefecture might try to prevent greening.
  • While many countries all over the world try to prevent desertification, only Tottori prefecture would try to prevent greening.
It is best to avoid repeating "Tottori Sand Dunes" over and over again. It is good to try and think of other creative ways of saying the same thing.
Thank you so much for correcting my post! :)